How To Track Twins’ Feeding and Nappy Changes with Ease

If you are a parent of twins, you know how tough it can be to keep track of their feeding and nappy changes (can you even recall your own name??) because of how sleep deprived you are. You may have tried using other physical logbook trackers, but found them to be somewhat impractical. You may have wondered if there is a better way to monitor and record your twins’ daily activities. Well, here it is. It’s called the MIDWIFE’S TWIN FEEDING & NAPPY TRACKER, and it’s a simple and effective coil bound logbook that helps you manage your twins’ feeding and nappy changes with ease. I will share with you the reasons why I (this one's personal!) created the logbook, the problems it solves, and the features it offers.

The Problems with Other Physical Logbook Trackers

As a parent of twins myself, I have experienced the hassle and confusion of using other physical logbook trackers. Some of the problems I encountered were:

  • They were not designed for twins. They only had space for one baby’s data, which meant I had to use two separate logbooks or squeeze both twins’ data into one page. They also did not show me the comparison and correlation between my twins’ activities, which was crucial for me to understand their patterns and needs.
  • They were too rigid and limited. They had fixed categories and formats that did not suit my preferences and needs. They also had limited pages and space that did not allow me to record all the information I wanted. They made me feel constrained and restricted instead of organized and relaxed.
  • They were not informative and helpful. They did not provide me with any tips and advice about my twins’ feeding and nappy changes. They also did not give me access to any useful resources and information, such as articles, videos, and podcasts, that could support me and my twins.
  • Most importantly, if there are things that I can circle instead of write down then why not just print it? Do I have to write "pee" and "poo" 40x a day? hell no but as yet I've not found a logbook that can help me solve that


After trying and failing to find a suitable physical logbook tracker for my twins, I decided to create my own. I wanted to make a logbook that was simple, effective, and tailored for twins. I also wanted to make sure that the logbook was edited by a midwife (read: MY WIFE :) ), who could provide professional and trustworthy advice and guidance. That’s how the MIDWIFE’S TWIN FEEDING & NAPPY TRACKER was born.

The MIDWIFE’S TWIN FEEDING & NAPPY TRACKER is a coil bound logbook that helps you monitor and record your twins’ feeding and nappy changes. It allows you to:

  • Enter data for both twins simultaneously, saving you time and hassle. You can also switch between twins easily, without flipping back and forth.
  • View data for both twins side by side, giving you a clear and comprehensive overview of their activities. You can also see the difference and similarity between your twins, helping you to identify their individual and shared needs.
  • Analyze data for both twins over time, showing you the trends and patterns of their activities. You can potentially generate reports and charts (if you're a data visualizer person), giving you a visual and detailed representation of their development.
  • Get tips and advice from a midwife, who can answer your questions and concerns about your twins’ feeding and nappy changes. 

The coil binding of the logbook makes it easy to open flat and view both twins’ data at the same time. It also makes it durable and flexible, allowing you to flip and fold the pages as you wish. Note that while this logbook is available from other retailers like Amazon, the boilbound edition is ONLY available here on GeekChic. So if you you want to be able to use it the way it's meant to be used, get it here!


The MIDWIFE’S TWIN FEEDING & NAPPY TRACKER is a logbook that I created to help myself and other parents of twins to keep track of their feeding and nappy changes. It is a logbook that is simple, effective, and tailored for twins. It is also a logbook that is edited by a midwife, who can provide professional and trustworthy advice and guidance. It is a logbook that solves the problems and pain points of other physical logbook trackers, and offers the features and benefits that you and your twins need and deserve.

If you are interested in trying the MIDWIFE’S TWIN FEEDING & NAPPY TRACKER, you can order it from the website or follow the social media accounts for more information and updates. I hope you enjoy the logbook and find it useful and helpful. Please feel free to leave your feedback and comments 😊

P.s. buy the tracker in doubles, and you get the second item with a 20% discount! This is promo is automatically applied at checkout.